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Annandale Acres is collecting canned and dry goods for our needy neighbors. We will be going from home to home to collect food items on Saturday morning October 29th. Donations can also be dropped off on the front porch of 7232 Calvert Street before October 28th,

There are three informational blogs and forums that contain local information

You can sign up for email notifications. You can also list you pets in case they get lost. Or post events and chat. The local section is Braddlick.

The Patch is a local news feed. You can sign up for email and text notifications.

This a local news blog where you can comment on insightful articles. You can also follow on Facebook or Twitter and receive email notices.

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We accept donations and dues submitted by PayPal ($20 per household)

Simply by sending a PayPal payment to this email address to:

Annandale Acres is a Northern Virginia neighborhood consisting of single family homes nestled on one acre lots. The community is diverse, and the homes are quaint and eclectic. AACA strives to welcome new neighbors, keep the community informed, and generally have fun.


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